In 2012, Deutsche Bahn realized that they needed to embrace digitalization to be able to meet all of the requirements for maintenance and servicing in an economically reasonable manner.
In a Europe-wide call to tender, they looked for a maintenance system which could be used in the long term and which not only supported their creating and administration processes, but also significantly sped them up through digitalized and dynamic workflows. At the end of the call for tender, in which many well-known providers participated, Deutsche Bahn chose inxire Digital Maintenance.
The innovative digital platform has thus prevailed against international competition and has supported the transport company since then in the creation of rules and standards for the maintenance of vehicles.
The intelligent and flexible review and publication mechanism in inxire Digital Maintenance ensures that all those involved can develop their documents in a traceable, uniformly structured and compliant manner. The preparation and publication is carried out specifically to each target group and in various media formats such as XML, PDF, Microsoft Word or Web.
inxire Digital Maintenance uses the internationally relevant standards. It unites the flexibility of DITA with the structured and tried-and-tested concepts of DocBook, supports S1000D™, as well as all of the processes in Entity in Charge of Maintenance (ECM).
Parallel review processes, reusable documentation building blocks and the use of control data such as maintenance levels, types of construction or model ranges all guarantee significant savings in terms of time and costs along the entire formation and implementation process and beyond.